Thursday, August 30, 2007


this was on Basers Unite!, The game can be revived! (Maybe...)

"Commandant_Xerxes said

I decided I wanted to send a message to WotC just to see if they would give me a little more insight into their rationale. While a lot of this may be old news, I personally found some of it interesting.

My initial message:

In regards to the hold placed on the Star Wars Trading Card Game a couple years ago, I would like to ask a few questions.
I'm curious if the reasons of the 'indefinite hold' placed on this game may be disclosed, in no uncertain terms, to myself and the rest of the community of players who are still interested in the game?
Also, is there any possibility at all of the game being re-introduced in the future, either as a continuation of what was previously dropped or as a new game based either on the same or entirely new game mechanics?
I ask these questions as a player who joined the community of players of this game shortly after it initially released. I greatly enjoyed the game, like many others who still play as best they can without the support of your company. I understand that the entertainment of a few hundred people may be below the interest of your company when there are other products like Magic to be updated. However, I also have continued faith in the strength of this game, should it ever be revived and I know that there is still a community of players who would rejoice at hearing news of any support whatsoever from your company in regards to this game.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing your responses, whatever they may be.

Their reply:

you for contacting Wizards of the Coast game support!

Two years ago, we decided to put future releases of the Star Wars® trading card game on indefinite hold, effective with the previously planned August 2005 release of the Rise of the Empire expansion. Despite our best efforts to stimulate gameplay, player demand had not maintained a level that permitted us to produce new releases. Additionally current player demand has not been at levels that allow us to reissue the game. This is why you've not seen us announce anything new regarding the future of SW:TCG. We really appreciate that you guys love the game, and we encourage you to continue to enjoy it. We will continue to further evaluate customer interest and revisit the release of new expansions if a resurgence of demand occurs.

Take Care and Good Gaming!

My next question:

I realize this may be beyond what you know or what you're allowed to tell me, but I was curious as to what would qualify as sufficient player demand. The remaining community, as well as myself, would be very interested to see the game revived... or at least to see some renewed support from your company in any form. If we had an idea of roughly how many players or what quantity of goods would need to be consumed to garner some attention, we would do all in our power to make it happen.
I would appreciate any information you can supply about what sorts of numbers your company is looking for. As I mentioned before, I understand this may be beyond the scope of what you can provide me, but as a fan of the game I have to ask if there's any chance that we could help its return.


The final response:

Unfortunately you are correct in that there really aren't any exact numbers that we in Game Support can provide. We have no special insight into such things. But I'm sure that the company will be taking into consideration not only fan feedback, but distributor demand as well, which would increase because of retailer demand, which would increase because of consumer demand. I assume there can be many other factors behind the scenes that we in Game Support are not privy to as well. I will certainly pass your feedback along to the appropriate departments, letting them know of your interest in seeing the game reprinted.

Take Care and Good Gaming!

Like I said, that may be old news for many of you, but I found it encouraging that they claim to still be looking at the demand. I don't know any shops who might have previously bought cards from WotC, but if I did, I'd have them check if WotC will even sell the current sets any more or if they're officially done. That would be more of a test than what their customer service says.

If WotC will respond to demand, then the best chance for this game is to get the public interest back. I know that most of us have a small circle of friends that play, but if we can get the local card shops to start hosting even little tournaments again and generate some fresh interest... then it might be possible to bring it back.

Of course, I'm probably sounding somewhat like a crazed zealot right about now, but I thought that some, if not all of you, would be interested to hear their official position on the matter.


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