Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Farewell to the Old Gunships FOREVER (IDC RAW)

Alright, there are two cards which I think defeated the goal of trying to revive older cards: The Assault Gunship (AG) pretty much supplants the Republic Attack Gunship (RAG), which I was hoping to be able to play again. Not that I don't like AG, but it would have been nice to WANT to to play RAG. This card defeats the purpose of Republic Command Gunship (RCG), which was clearly originally meant to make the older Gunships playable again, but with AG, who would want to? Republic Gunship Squadron (RGS) is WAYYY undercosted. Nice to have, but pretty much dominating for its cost. Once again, it defeats the reason for the RCG, and RCG just ends up compounding the effectiveness of RGS. Who would want to play Republic LAAT/i Gunship when you have RGS? If this didn't have the Gunship subtype, it might not have been so bad (or is that good? See, now you have me confused).I like these cards, but because of them, I'll never be able to play any of the older Gunships ever again without playing a draft game.At least I still have my Walkers. Oh, wait, those are supplanted by these gunships, too! At least THAT doesn't have to be permanent if we're given some better synergy for them in the future. I was really looking forward to being able to play the old Gunships and Walkers, but now it doesn't look like I'll have that privilege without sacrificing better cards or playing in the rare draft. For being the most exciting set for me, due to this issue, it's now the most disappointing for having raised my hopes and dashed them.

by Corjay

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