Saturday, October 17, 2009

Deck I am working on, Grievous unleashed

The basic point of this deck is to use General Grievous (E) (GG(E)) RaW #16, to the utmost power!

Grievous unleashed.

This is General Grievous (E), he has 3 main powers, 1, to pay 0 force and untap, this has a limit, you can only do it 1 time for each equipment attached to him, he has 2 limits on equipment, first, only 2 per a turn can be attached, and second a max of 4 total*

The * makes the world of difference, if you have more then 4 equipment cards attached to a different version then, when you move E to the top, you don't have to remove them, letting you get more free untaps.

The next card is the card the will let this unit control the game, Weapon Turret (WT), BoH #90.

With this equipment, you have the power to attack units in any arena using 3 power + any other effects, in combo with GG(E) this will let you attack with 3+ power, and then untap and do it again, the draw back for this card is high equip cost, 2 build.

This is when our next friend comes in Imperial Munitions Specialist, (IMS) BoH #29.

This little beast, is very powerful, for each on in your hand, you may pay 2 force, and search your deck for any equipment, letting you get out any spare SL, WT, SM. as it lets you equip without paying the cost, for the first turn after it is deployed, making WT free, along with any other 0 build equipment, which brings me to my next point GG(E) even with WT will only be able to attack with 3 power, times X, X being how many equipment you have on him, the next boost Stolen Lightsaber (SL), RaW # 118.

With this beast, you pay 0 build, and if IMS was played that turn 0 force, you get a 1+ health, and with it on GG(E) you get +1 power, you will be able to attack with +1 power so 3x of it, + 1 WT will allow 6 power attacks to any arena 5 times a turn, for a cost with IMS of 0 build, 0 force.

And lastly that little * again, another combo would be to use Sith Markings (SM) (IoN #51), to move GG(E) from the bottom to the top of the stack, after having more then 4 equipment on the stack.

With this, For a cost of only 6 build for General Grievous (B), and 3 more for each of the other 3 GG in the stack, 4 more for IMS, and 1 for Sith Markings, for a total of 14 build, and only 3 force.

You will get a card that can attack ground and space with 10 power, or Character with 13 power, and upwards of 7 times a turn, (4x Stolen Lightsabers, 1x WT, 1x Sith Markings.) And if you need to save some force, then don't use the Sith markings, and do 1 mega attack to one of our opponents units with an equipment on it, gaining it for the bounty, so the next turn with GG(E) you would get another attack.

More or less the deck so far has this.

Character (12 cards)

General Grievous (E)4x
General Grievous (A)1x
General Grievous (B)2x
General Grievous (C)1x
Imperial Munitions Specialist 4x

Equipment (10 cards)

Weapon Turret 4x
Stolen Light saber 4x
Sith Markings 2x

Remember this is still untested, beta version, I think I will end up adding some force/build gain, and a draw power, maybe a Krayt Dragon or 2...


From Battle of Hoth