Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Battle of Hoth released.

"Battle of Hoth
By Trent McCrow

Six years ago, in 2003, Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) released their sixth expansion for the Star Wars Trading Card Game (SWTCG) based on The Empire Strikes Back. Six years down the track the Independent Development Committee (IDC) is releasing its sixth expansion for the SWTCG based on the very same film that WOTC’s sixth expansion was based from.

This bizarre occurrence of the number six continues still. WOTC’s sixth expansion introduced us to the sixth card type in the SWTCG, Locations and the IDC’s sixth expansion contains sixty cards.

So with the sixth expansion from both WOTC and the IDC being based on the film that is the fan favourite out of all six of the Star Wars films being produced six years apart from each other and with the IDC’s sixth expansion containing sixty cards this sets us up for something special.

To get your hands on something special in the Battle of Hoth expansion click on the following links:
Battle of Hoth Checklist (PDF’s can be found on this page)
Battle of Hoth Thumbnails (PDF’s can be found on this page)
Battle of Hoth LackeyCCG Plugin (Coming Soon)
Battle of Hoth Rulebook

Thoughts or comments? Visit the message board thread for this article here.

About the Author
Trent is currently doing what he loves best and that is be involved with the SWTCG and the IDC in particular. He is a reporter at Rebelbasers.com and is looking to revive the RB community in the near future. After his break from the IDC while he was teaching English in Hong Kong for a month Trent returned home and moved back to College, where he is currently studying a Bachelor of Theology / Bachelor of Ministry. He also has no friends so you should add him to MySpace… http://www.myspace.com/proph37 Despite all that, he still has time to introduce the game to new players…KEEP THE GAME ALIVE!"

^^^ was taken from the IDC website.

And we also have a new card of the week

This is the most interesting card put out, as it will let you attack one arena from another, letting your power horse cards like Luke (L), attack space or ground units with 3 power + any other effects, so if you have 3 other unique Character, then Luke (L) will be able to attack any space or ground unit with 9 dice. (3 base + 2+ power x3=9)

Just think of cards that have overload+overkill, this card can be a big help to controlling all arenas with 1 super card, Krayt Dragon might make a comeback as it could destroy all the starfighters to untap.


From Battle of Hoth